New York: training course for 25 young people
A training course on the topics of the 2030 agenda was held in New York from 10 to 14 July for 25 young people interested in working in international contexts. The course was organized by the Diplomatic Association with the collaboration of Link 2007.
During five intense days of work, the young people met experts and scholars from international agencies, deepening their knowledge of the main innovations and challenges of the sustainable development goals agenda .
Thanks to the support of the Italian representation at the United Nations, the final event of the course took place in the Palazzo di Vetro on 14 July. After the greetings of the Honorable Pia Locatelli, President of the Human Rights Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, the Ambassador of the Honduras at the UN Flores Fake, Joe Colombano, Deputy Director Sustainable Development Unit Executive Office of the Secretary-General, Antonio Parenti, Head of Section, Economic, Trade and Development of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations and Paolo Dieci, President of Link 2007.
Many themes emerged in the meeting. Among these is the need to translate the 2030 Agenda into inclusive and sustainable policies and programs in every country and internationally. In this regard, Link 2007 presented some concrete proposals to translate objective 1 on the eradication of poverty, objective 4 on education and objective 8 on inclusive growth into the reality of the poorest areas of the world.
Among the proposals formulated, also thinking of the start, in October, of the negotiations on the Migration Compact, that of extending policies capable of enhancing the decisive contribution of young migrants to the development of the countries of origin and residence, supporting their efforts to create enterprises and introduce innovations.
In all those present, including the young people who took the floor formulating questions and proposals, a strong awareness emerged of the need to bring the 2030 agenda to life where social exclusion is stronger, taking on the issue of youth poverty as a real and its own global emergency to deal with.