Pandemic. Cancel/reconvert the debt of the most fragile countries
The growth of inequality is now one of the most serious effects of the pan-crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Human beings are unevenly affected by the current crisis with widespread peaks of worrying severity, making the goals that the political and global governance communities have set for themselves with the 2030 Agenda further away. The planet’s poor are the most affected and they are increasing on every continent.
The pandemic is hitting hard not only already weak countries but also emerging economies, slowing down and sometimes risking undoing the efforts made and the successes achieved in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Covid-19 has added heavily to already difficult situations due to climate change and local conflicts.
In addition to the joint efforts of the international community to put an end to the health crisis triggered by Covid-19 and to restart the growth of the global economy, in addition to the support that international cooperation will have to continue to provide in order not to betray the partnerships built and the commitments undertaken, joint and far-sighted action by the G20 countries – which brings together most of the most industrialized nations on the planet and in which the main world economic issues are addressed – is required, aimed at relieving the debt of the poorest and most affected countries or at his conversion where conditions advise it. the G20 represents an essential moment for defining and making common decisions on the debt of the least advanced and poorest countries.