LINK 2007: our mission
Entering the tenth year of life and confirming the reasons that led to the birth of Link 2007 – Cooperation on the Net, we felt the need to take them up again and update them, taking advantage of the journey made together and of the fruitful collaboration relationships with many other primary players of “cooperation for sustainable development, human rights and peace”, as stated in the first article of law 125/2014.
In ten years, the context has changed, dramatically in many ways: the horrors of war and fanaticism have become more acute; the exodus of millions of people who cross, often tragically, every barrier to escape from an inexorable destiny continues unabated; in European societies, demagogic impulses are gaining strength which foment fear and closure towards the different or those in need. Never before has man-made climate change risk jeopardizing environmental sustainability.
In recent decades, however, humanity has also shown that it can invest in its future and in the fight against poverty. The 17 sustainable development goals approved by the UN in 2015 confirm the path of change started with the millennium development goals, tackling the greater complexity and interdependence of problems, assigning responsibilities and new goals to all countries, even the richest ones .
In this context, the NGOs of Link2007 want to continue on their path, finding common values that make cooperation and humanitarian aid instruments of peace, the fight against poverty and exploitation, but also strongly reaffirming the need to intervene with professionalism and competence, always in close collaboration with its local partners, the real engine for lasting development.
A path of concrete activities and projects, verifiable results and impact, often carried out in inaccessible and abandoned areas, “up to the last mile”.