At a time when Minister Marco Minniti is proposing some important innovations in the management of immigration and in particular of asylum seekers, the NGOs of the ‘LINK 2007’ network intend to offer their contribution to the search for the best decisions in this regard, in an also to the future. «We do it – affirms Paolo Dieci, president of the network – strengthened by the analyzes and insights based on our experience of international cooperation and humanitarian aid and on the knowledge of many of the countries of origin, of the conditions that favor emigration, of the cultures of those countries, of the aspirations of immigrants, of the difficulties they encounter in entering and integrating, of the problems that their presence can sometimes generate in communities that are not adequately prepared to welcome them».
The LINK 2007 document presents, in schematic and synthetic points, some proposals for an overall governmental political strategy, therefore not limited to the security and public order dimension, albeit important and present, accompanied by an indication of operational choices and regulations relating to government of immigration for work and that forced by wars, persecutions, natural and environmental disasters. “We believe that the matter must be tackled with an overall strategy and political vision by adopting measures to be implemented in the short, medium and long term, according to the urgency, complexity and difficulties”, highlights Nino Sergi, LINK 2007 policy advisor , who guided the elaboration of the document.
The proposal is addressed in particular to the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, the competent parliamentary commissions, the Mayors, the Presidents of regions and autonomous province, associations, bodies and operators in the sector.