Migration policy: Paris summit and Italian and European critical issues


The NGOs of the LINK 2007 network today released a detailed document in which, starting from the Paris Summit of 28 August, the recent political orientations on immigration and the reactions raised by them are analysed , on which the positioning of the network is expressed.
The attempt is to highlight the dual gaze : of the political responsibilities of the Italian and European institutions and of human rights, of the principles of humanity and solidarity. “They shouldn’t oppose each other, given that the Paris summit and the political declarations that followed claim to be inspired by them, but there is a cynical and risky choice of the ‘two times’ that creates many problems”,says Paolo Dieci, president of LINK 2007 .

In the first part of the document , LINK 2007 tries to answer the question “WHAT IS NEW AND WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE PARIS SUMMIT?” given that in many parts it seems to re-propose the same decisions of the broader Euro-African summit in Valletta in 2015. The paragraph “THE LOOK AT THE POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS” summarizes its contents, highlighting the limits but also the importance of the initiative, given the political and numerical weight of the four promoting countries (France, Italy, Germany, Spain) which, with the exit of Great Britain, can determine European policies and define ‘strengthened cooperation’ to accelerate their implementation. While the paragraph “THE LOOK OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN PRINCIPLES” focuses on the critical issues, analyzing the contents in order to highlight the risks and the steps to be taken.

“THE ITALIAN CHOICES (IN THE ATTEMPT TO UNDERSTAND THE REASONS)” is the title of the second part which is also developed with the two gazes. The paragraph “THE STRATEGY ADOPTED” summarizes the government policy, mainly delegated to the Minister of the Interior, to his capacity for initiative and decision-making, with his own defined strategy, thus marking that purely security character which creates undoubted imbalances in Italian government policy and in the management of migratory flows with the most comprehensive and far-sighted vision required. In the following paragraph, “SOME DUTY COMMENTS”, LINK 2007 lists the main problematic points raised by the minister’s decisions: from sea rescues to the delegation of flow management to Libya, to the disfigurement of human rights, to attacks on NGOs, to the code of conduct, to the independence of humanitarian action with respect to political or instrumental ends, to the necessary actions, accompanied by concrete proposals that also refer to previous LINK 2007 documents on the subject , to the indispensable dialogue with the institutions , to be kept open in any case, through which they can be more easily expressed, with strength and resoluteness, opposition to the policies adopted and suggestions for improvement, requests and operational proposals more easily received.

In the third part
LINK 2007 focuses on the “NEED TO DEFINE AN ​​AMBITIOUS AFRICAN POLICY” examining its complexity: a ‘Marshall Plan’ for Africa? under what conditions?, the economic relations of imbalance and robbery between the EU and African countries, development cooperation, the sense of partnerships, the coherence of policies, resources, the formation of credible institutions and a prepared ruling class, also ethically, the fight against corruption, African demography and the need for work for the younger generations, justice and solidarity as factors of security, the link between migration and development, the valorisation of the transnationalism of immigrants, human mobility,“These are themes on which the NGOs of LINK 2007 have reflected over many years and which they periodically re-propose for collective reflection and political initiative” , underlines the president Paolo Dieci.