International Development Cooperation and the next DEF
By 10 April, the Council of Ministers will have to approve and present the DEF, Economic and Financial Document, to the Chambers. It is the main instrument of economic-financial planning and indicates the economic and public finance strategy in the medium term. In section 1, “Stability program for Italy”, a Focus on Public Development Assistance (ODA) annually summarized Italy’s commitment to development cooperation.
Even if it will be presented by an outgoing government, the DEF will be able to express itself in complete tranquility as regards development cooperation. The will of the parties expressed in the electoral programs agrees, with various nuances, in giving relevance to the CPS: “Marshall plan for Africa” (Centre-right), “multilateralism, cooperation, dialogue between populations” (M5S), “raising gradual level of contribution to cooperation” (PD), “strengthening of cooperation and international solidarity” (LeU).