Global compact and government policies
Although in this phase political propaganda seems to have gained the upper hand, favoring opposition and extinguishing any possibility of dialogue and study, the sense of institutions still remains in the members of the Government. We need to leverage it to try to open doors to dialogue.
The Global Compact on migration is a legally non-binding pact but it commits the States Parties and represents a fundamental reference for outlining the governance of migratory movements. Can it therefore become the common denominator on which to base government and EU policies? The answer should be affirmative, in line with the formal adhesion of Italy and the other European states to the global pact. Yes, the Global Compact can provide Italian and European politics with the tool to overcome at least in part the irreconcilability of the opposing positions, indicating that common denominator and that common thread on which to base decisions, even in the legitimate different beliefs, choices and political methods .