Covid-19 We are among those who “do”


Abbiamo un unico mezzo per dimostrare chi siamo veramente: far conoscere cosa facciamo e cosa siamo capaci di fare!
Vi presentiamo il lavoro delle ONG di LINK 2007 e dei loro partner locali durante questa pandemia. Lo facciamo con tanti brevi video che ci auguriamo possano dare un’idea delle attività realizzate per contrastare per quanto possibile le conseguenze del Covid-19.
Abbiamo lavorato con coraggio, senza sottrarci alle difficoltà e anche ai pericoli che ogni pandemia comporta, vicini alle comunità più vulnerabili, nei tanti paesi dove eravamo presenti, ma anche in Italia, nei quartieri più disagiati delle grandi città.
Covid-19 has brought many countries where our NGOs have been working for years to their knees: the health massacre in Latin America and the one due to hunger in Africa have exacerbated situations already collapsing in an unimaginable way.
We worked with all the resources we had available, human and economic, in collaboration with many associations, NGOs and local partners.
We NGOs have only one way to demonstrate who we really are: to show that we are the ones who “do”, who arrive at the “last mile”, in spite of everything.

Link 2007’s NGOs are there, wherever they are needed. They are there with their experience, their expertise, their transparency, their ability to innovate and especially with their passion.

The pandemic is spreading around the world. We are where it matters, with our local partners, with the people.

CIAI ​​has been dealing with vulnerable children since 1968, in Italy and in the poorest countries. Even more so at this time when children are even more fragile.

COOPI is now also engaged in food distribution in Milan to deal with the Covid-19 emergency and in Brescia, through volunteers, it deals with social assistance for the elderly.

CUAMM doctors have been involved, since the beginning, in the Covid-19 emergency in Africa and in Italy: where the “Medici con il camper” offer health care in the poorest neighborhoods of Foggia.

AMREF has deployed all the tools at its disposal for the Covid-19 emergency: in Africa it has activated health workers and Flying Doctors

LVIA has decided to stay in Senegal, reconverting their economic development projects, to help mitigate the socio-economic aspects of the virus.

INTERSOS , always at the forefront of emergencies, could only be present in Italy in the fight against the pandemic. To help the poorest

World Friends  wants to guarantee the right to health of the most disadvantaged sections of the populations in Africa and, at this moment, also in Italy with a project aimed at the homeless

The COSV in Lebanon, having taken the necessary urgent measures, is working to contribute to a socio-economic recovery in a country already on its last legs.

LVIA has been working in Italy, in Turin, for years: Today it continues to manage educational activities in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods of the city

CISP participates in Link2007’s commitment to respond to the Covid emergency. In particular, at this moment we are intervening to support distance learning which is creating profound inequalities.