Debt cancellation/conversion of the most fragile countries



The possible proactive role of the G20 under Italian presidency.
Wednesday 30 September 2020 h. 12:00-13:30 – Online



Valeria Emmi LINK 2007: Presentation. Proposals to the G20 on the debt of developing countries and for an SDGs Fund for Africa.

Roberto Ridolfi FAO: Feasibility and convenience of debt cancellation/conversion of less advanced countries particularly affected by the pandemic crisis, and of an SDGs Fund for Africa.

Alessandro Modiano MAECI-DGMO: Opportunities and constraints of the G7 and G20 systems.

Gelsomina Vigliotti MEF: Law 209/2000. Feasibility and problems of debt restructuring in the G7 and G20 and of an SDGs Fund for Africa.

Giorgio Marrapodi MAECI-DGCS: Debt conversion aimed at sustainable development objectives.

Lia Quartapelle CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES (Permanent Committee for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda): Predictable parliamentary initiatives.

Enrico Giovannini ASVIS: Acting on debt for development interventions aimed at achieving the SDGs and contrasting the effects of the pandemic on sustainability objectives.

The event will be a web-meeting

Mandatory registration to participate

The event can be followed on Link 2007’s facebook and youtube
(the links will be indicated shortly)