Campaign 070, the world is hungry for development


Italy has repeatedly signed up to the international and European commitment to allocate 0.70% of its national wealth to support development objectives, but the rhetoric of these declarations has not been followed by as many concrete actions.

Italy’s resources for international development cooperation are absolutely insufficient to achieve the set objectives and unsuitable for dealing with the COVID 19 pandemic and climate-environmental crises which risk taking us away from the achievement of the sustainable development objectives.

Download the slides of Campaign 070

We are currently far from the data in the update note to the Economic and Financial Document of September 2018 which expected to go to 0.36 per cent in 2020 and 0.40 per cent in 2021.

Our country’s commitment is decidedly lower than that of other OECD countries with which we can compare ourselves in terms of economic size and income levels (Germany, United Kingdom, France and Japan).

We cannot wait until 2030 to ensure the achievement of the 0.70% target for international solidarity: to face today’s problems with a sense of responsibility, resources must be available in the short term.

International cooperation is a fundamental element of international relations and development policies capable of involving national institutions, as well as local institutions and communities, as an effective contribution and solidarity response for social justice.

For these reasons,  FocsivAOICINI  and  Link 2007 , with the sponsorship of  ASVisCaritas Italianathe National Forum of the Third Sector  and  MISSIO , have promoted the campaign  “The world is hungry. Of development”  which essentially has two objectives:

  • (general objective) to deploy the best skills of our organizations to relaunch development cooperation, also in terms of resources, as a heritage of our country and therefore to share experiences and proposals in order to raise awareness among the widest possible public.
  • (specific objective) to mobilize new resources, especially for Italian bilateral cooperation, which suffers particularly from the reduced volumes of aid. To escape the traditional cycle of unfulfilled commitments and promises, the Campaign supports the introduction in Italian legislation of a specific lane for reaching 0.70% for public development aid by 2030 in the interest of our country as key player in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda.

Download the slides of Campaign 070