The new government and the importance of development cooperation

Governo e l’importanza della cooperazione allo sviluppo


In view of the desired high skills, the deputy minister or deputy minister of international development cooperation has great strategic importance for the geopolitical success of our country. You must have a broad international vision and know the subject. The Prime Minister should not underestimate this function when he has to decide the person to exercise it and know that in the world of non-governmental cooperation there are skills, knowledge, skills gained over years of work and high-profile experiences, including institutional ones

The President of the Council Hon. Giorgia Meloni has constantly claimed a government with ministers with a high political profile and authoritative technical skills. The path is undoubtedly the right one, also imposed by the extent of the problems to be faced

The Italian and European issues are closely linked to the international context with its dynamics, which must be known in order to make the assessment of the interest in Italy more true in the relative political choices. The reverse path is also vital, to try to grasp how and to what extent each country, in the closest continent or in the most distant ones, can represent opportunities to be seized and developed.

The complete article was published on   VITA NON PROFIT