Watch the webinar Personal fulfilment as an alternative to migration



Since 2018, LINK 2007 has been actively engaged in the implementation of projects focusing on the nexus between migration and development in West Africa.

The objective of the event was to present the project Personal fulfilment as an alternative to migration and its results, also to propose a reflection on the link between migration and development and the need for joint and coordinated actions between the various actors in order to maximise the benefits of migration for sustainable development.

The project, financially supported by MAECI’s DGIT, was implemented by LINK 2007 in partnership with LVIA, CISP, the association Le Réseau and the Pan-African association JVE (Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement), and lasted 17 months.

The aim of the project was to strengthen the possibilities of young people from Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger to take advantage of the numerous and diverse training, employment and business creation opportunities that exist in their countries, thus enabling them to consciously choose which life paths to take, starting from the opportunities offered in their own countries.

The webinar, moderated by Mehret Tewolde, Vice President of Le Réseau Association, was attended by the Deputy Director General DGIT Stefano Bianchi, the Deputy Director General DGCS Laura Aghilarre, the Director for West and Central Africa UNDP Njoya Tikum, the President of the International Diplomatic Institute Paolo Giordani.

To talk about the project and present the results obtained, the following spoke: LVIA Sahel Desk Officer Giovanni Armando, President of Le Réseau Cleophas Association Adrien Dioma, JVE Burkina Faso Representative Olivier Tuina, Burkinabé Association Representative in Italy Sally Maiga. Finally, the Project Area Representative of Banca Etica’s International Development Office Paola Saini and CISP Director Alessandro De Luca presented the project’s future prospects.

The conclusions were entrusted to Luigi Vignali, Director General DGIT.