The 2022 Budget Bill and international cooperation for development
In the budget bill under examination by the Senate, article 125 is dedicated to public development cooperation (PSC). The first paragraph defines the additional resources allocated to the AICS Agency from 2022 to 2026, in order to guarantee certainty in the planning of funds as requested by the NGOs together with all the subjects of international cooperation. This is 350 million over five years: a significant financial commitment that will allow Italian cooperation to be more effective in countries that have become priorities, particularly in Africa and the Middle East. We are a long way from realigning the 0.70% of GNI to be allocated to the PSC as Italy has undertaken to do, but it is nonetheless a good sign. LINK 2007 proposed to the CSO networks of international cooperation and solidarity to ask Senators that these increases be destined in significant part to bilateral cooperation initiatives as a gift, even in humanitarian emergencies, by the subjects of article 26 of law 125/2014. In fact, these are initiatives aimed at strengthening partnerships people to people and territories with territories through the action of NGOs specialized in cooperation and humanitarian aid, third sector organizations, diasporas, ethical finance, microcredit, social and cooperative enterprises, foundations and other non-profit entities. It is a request that intends to enhance the fundamental dimension of partnership relations and highlight the solidarity presence and visibility of our country.
The article then continues with a second paragraph divided into various points which amend as many points of law 125/2014 on development cooperation in particular for the part managed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, simplifying the promotion of investment and financing activities in the markets of developing partner countries. They range from the authorization to increase the revolving fund for development with new funds, including private ones, to the expansion of its use for companies operating in partner countries, to the abolition of excessive formal passages to the Cics, interministerial committee for development cooperation . However, it is not clear what the rationale is that introduces changes to law 125 only to strengthen the cooperation action of CDP, forgetting some others that have long been deemed necessary and urgent for the good functioning of Italian cooperation. We have therefore proposed to the OSC networks, since the first text of the Budget bill approved by the Council of Ministers on 28 October last, some additions to be proposed to the Senate Budget Commission and to the Senators.
HERE the amendments indicated by LINK 2007 in the Senate.