Don’t call us NGOs; Italy uses us to make our country great


“Italy uses us to make our country great abroad”: in the days of the controversy over Qatargate and the NGO decree, this is the hope for 2023 by Roberto Ridolfi, president of Link2007, the coordination association of important and historic Italian organizations that every year manage cooperation projects for hundreds of millions of euros, producing jobs and rescuing entire populations from poverty in the countries of the South of the world.

Of the 20,000 aid workers who report to groups such as Intersos, Cuamm Medici con l’Africa, Coopi, Cisv, Lvia and Amref, “many are not Italian: they are partners in the countries where we operate”, explains Ridolfi in an interview with OnuItalia in which he is keen to explain, in the midst of the controversy that has engulfed the NGOs in recent weeks, why the time has come to abandon this word: “Stop calling us NGOs: Osci or Osc, for organizations of solidarity and international cooperation, it’s better”.

The complete article was published in  ONU Italy